Edition 7 - Above the Noise

AI Enablement in the Snowflake Era

Vince Belanger

Vince Belanger
Evolution Analytics, LLC.

Posted: December 1, 2023

Having been immersed in the fields of data and analytics for decades, I’ve seen firsthand how businesses with a solid analytics foundation, especially those leveraging advanced cloud data platforms, stand on the threshold of remarkable growth through AI. The bridge from a robust analytics platform to the dynamic world of AI-driven growth is not just aspirational—it’s actionable. For businesses rooted in data, AI is the key to unlocking a future of enhanced performance across all sectors.

In my experience, retailers can dramatically improve inventory management by predicting consumer trends with AI. Financial institutions have the potential to combat fraud in real time using AI algorithms. Healthcare and manufacturing sectors are no different; the former can anticipate patient needs, while the latter can achieve unprecedented supply chain efficiency.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of industry, each day brings a slew of novel technologies, services, and capabilities. To maintain a competitive edge, it’s essential to stay abreast of these advancements and judiciously integrate those that align with your business objectives.

However, enthusiasm for new technology like AI must be tempered with strategy. I recall the Hadoop craze—many dove in without a plan, a mistake you don’t want to repeat. Success with AI doesn’t come from the technology alone; it’s about the strategy underpinning its adoption.

Evolution Analytics’ 4-Step AI Enablement Strategy

Industry experts from Gartner have long advised that “AI investment must be outcome-focused, with clear metrics for success,” a sentiment that resonates deeply with our strategy-first approach. They also advocate for a business-driven AI roadmap, cautioning that “without strategic alignment, AI initiatives run the risk of becoming costly experiments rather than business differentiators.” We could not agree more.

At Evolution Analytics, we’ve crafted a 4-step AI enablement strategy that dovetails well with Snowflake’s capabilities, to ensure that AI is a bridge to your future, not a detour into the unknown. Here’s a high-level summary:

  1. Identify Business Opportunities: Begin by pinpointing areas within your organization where AI can have a substantial impact. This process involves discerning specific business challenges and opportunities that AI could address, with the aim of enhancing revenue, reducing costs, streamlining operational efficiencies, or aligning with compliance and risk management objectives. It is crucial to establish clear goals and identify key business decisions or metrics that AI can optimize to achieve these objectives.
  2. Surround the Decisions with Data: Enhance the value and precision of your business decisions by integrating internal analytics with third-party data sources. Cloud ecosystems have simplified. For example, leveraging our partnership with Snowflake, you can seamlessly connect in real-time to a vast ecosystem via the Snowflake Marketplace, thereby reinforcing your AI capabilities with robust data integration.
  3. Apply Analytics and Insights: Here, the real goal is to advance the business forward and empowering the people to be more effective. Going deeper, to discern both beneficial and detrimental outcomes, workflows, or patterns. Efforts should be directed towards identifying what triggers each outcome, encouraging positive results, and modifying behaviors that lead to negative results. This should be undertaken with consideration for both governance and organizational structure, as well as the underlying technology.
  4. Automate and Elevate: Automation can be deployed in various modes, and while this article isn’t solely about technology, it highlights that our customers are increasingly finding value—and enjoyment—in using Snowflake. Its scalable, cloud-based architecture is ideal for AI-driven automation, enhancing operational efficiency and giving your organization a competitive advantage. Moreover, with Streamlit, you can now create custom applications that harness AI and automation for deeper insights. Once you secure a predictively positive outcome, you can fine-tune and enhance processes, thus opening avenues to new business opportunities. Deployment can utilize a variety of approaches, including AI and Generative AI for innovation, process automation for efficiency, and established methods such as reports and visualizations for consistent monitoring and management.

Conclusion: Building an AI-Driven Future

I believe your journey into AI, particularly on a platform as powerful as Snowflake, is not just about deploying new technology—it’s about architecting a future where data is not just examined but is the bedrock of intelligent automation and decision-making. With Evolution Analytics at your side, you gain more than a service; you gain a partnership that understands the importance of aligning cutting-edge AI with your business’s core objectives. Together, my team and I will ensure your AI initiatives are not fleeting pursuits but enduring assets that drive your business forward. Let’s embark on this transformative path, where your analytics foundation meets the pinnacle of AI innovation, and turns potential into performance.

Share Your AI Journey: We Value Your Thoughts and Experiences

We welcome your insights and experiences! Join the conversation below and share how AI has impacted your business or how you envision implementing our 4-step AI enablement strategy within your organization. Your comments enrich our community and drive forward-thinking discussions.

Evolution Analytics is proud to be a distinguished Snowflake Partner.

About Vince Belanger

As principal at Evolution Analytics, I’ve dedicated my career to helping companies navigate the complexities of digital transformation, using data to craft strategies that turn challenges into triumphs. Visit https://www.evolutionanalytics.com for more information about our data and analytics consulting company. Or feel free to reach out to me on my LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vbelanger06/
