Data Analytics Consultants

Elevate Your Data Analytics in 2023 with Evolution Analytics

Posted: January 25, 2023

Moving into a new year can be a tough period for organizations small to large. With business issues to tackle at almost every point in channel management, the challenge for C-suite leaders is figuring out the best way to manage processes, people and priorities.

In 2023, a key priority for companies is getting their data analytics in sync with overall operations. Data analytics has become an integral part of every business. It helps companies get better insights to make more qualified decisions, while optimizing operations to improve the overall customer experiences.

But data analytics approaches can become stagnant or dated — what worked for you a decade ago may not fuel a competitive operation today. Cloud-based data storage and processing, which helps organizations to collect, store, and analyze large amounts of customer data at scale, plus an array of new and innovative data analytics and AI/ML tools, are helping mid-market organizations to better analyze customer data and identify patterns with significantly competitive investments.

Maybe you’re looking for ways to sharpen your understanding and practices around your data and analytics management, analytics processes, AI/ML innovations, and more. To get there, you may have to reach outside your inner circle. That’s where we come in.

Evolution Analytics (EA) is a full service consulting firm that helps organizations with all things data. Our core mission is to help mid-market enterprises with their data science, data analytics and overall data management capabilities. With years of experience from working with thousands of companies, we bring our A-game with data knowledge and data science smarts to help your business achieve significant innovations in your performance.

Driving Meaningful Results

Business leaders need to push themselves to think about their data analytics challenges and opportunities with a fresh lens. We can help you find new ways of getting things done to accomplish the goals set forth for your business. Here’s a sampling of our work in recent years with customers:

  • Modern Data Architecture – One of our customers, constrained by technical debt and dated skills, struggled with an on-premise database and did not see a way to move forward. Armed with a roadmap to help set a vision, budget and executable plan, our team seamlessly moved the entire database and analytics environment to a cloud-based environment. We spent much time during the development process with the client’s team members, with a key focus on “upskilling” great people to new technologies and processes. Their environment now moves at the speed of business, and their team is enabling faster insights and optimizing operations through data.
  • Data Enablement – Master Data Management and Data Governance are key pieces to the analytic foundation. But in some ways they are like the proverbial can that keep getting kicked down the street looking for the ROI to make an investment. We helped a global semiconductor company understand that by successfully enabling MDM and Data Governance, it improves the ROI of every subsequent data and analytic investment, reduces risk and improves time to market. In this manner, we helped the company sustainably implement its advanced planning system, which has been a huge win to quickly respond to the complex market demands.
  • Be Bold, Be Agile – We routinely guide our customers on their journey to compete in their markets with data. This includes embracing cloud systems and SaaS. For those maturing toward advanced analytics, we consult on ways to leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning. Our approach to faster adoption is using a lean architecture and an agile approach. There is a way forward for everyone and we help our customers define their path.

Examples such as these arise from the relationships we’ve built over the years. Working together as true partners, our seasoned team helps clients become stronger competitors in their markets with aligned data analytics that support their business goals.

What We Believe

We see a bright future for data analytics in business. It’s what’s driving the next-gen innovations already underway or on the horizon. Areas like:

  • Cloud and edge computing, to improve data security and data autonomy
  • Next-generation software applications, like low-code or no-code platforms
  • AI models that use data to add or augment current industrial capabilities, and to give executives more information to make better decisions
  • Web3 platforms that encourage a more open-standard, decentralized internet
  • ML software and hardware capabilities to support operational performance and ongoing improvement

By understanding the data analytics opportunities before us, we can find a way to build new approaches and tools to transform how business gets done.

Why Our Work Matters

Data and analytics are the keys to building a data-driven organization to stay competitive in your markets. Our deep expertise in five key areas – Analytics, Data Governance, Data Lakes & Warehouses, Data Science, and Master Data Management – helps guide your path to understanding, planning, building and extending capabilities that measurably impact your businesses.

We also bring business acumen across industry – from transportation, distribution, logistics, and manufacturing to SaaS, healthcare, finance, hospitality and more. By using creativity and flexibility to solve business problems, we liken our work as the ‘Art of the Possible’ for data and analytics.

Accelerate Your Productivity

Evolution Analytics exists to help our clients evolve through data and analytics. So, what are your pain points – and more importantly, where do you want to go?

Let’s talk and break it down. Together, we can understand what’s possible, building on where you’re at today.
